Boston are Keynote Sponsors once again at CIUK

Posted on 06 November, 2017

Boston are pleased to be Keynote Sponsors once again for CIUK. 

Following the success of last year’s event we will be returning to Manchester Central as presenters and exhibitors across the two days of the event. The event will consist of presentations, talks and panel sessions running alongside an exhibition of the latest technologies from the leading hardware and software developers and resellers, an exhibitor forum and a series of breakout sessions.

This year the theme for the conference will be “Joining Up the UK e-Infrastructure” and the main programme will include presentations covering sub-themes such as “Experiences of Joining up e-Infrastructure” and “Experiences of Cloud Computing Within the UK and Europe”.

Ticket prices will be just £59 for an early bird fee (available up to 31 October) and £99 for full price registration. Our online registration will open in September. 


Keynote - Steve Furber | Designer of the BBC MicrocomputerSteve Furber | Designer of the BBC Microcomputer

Steve Furber - Wearing purple jacket and blue striped shirt, glasses and grey hair

Best known for his work in designing the award-winning BBC Microcomputer and the ARM 32-bit RISC microprocessor in the 1980s, Steve Furber is now taking on the challenge of creating processing power that mimics the processes in the human brain. He has been exploring how computing technology can achieve the very high levels of connectivity observed in the complex biological neural networks in our brains. Join us at CIUK 2017 to hear our engaging, award-winning speaker, who is currently working to build a massively-parallel chip multiprocessor for modelling large systems of spiking neurons in real time.  

“I’m excited to be the keynote speaker for Computing Insight UK in Manchester on 13 Dec. I’ll be sharing some of my past experiences and discussing the challenges associated with mimicking the biological processing power of the human brain. See you there!”  

- Steve Furber

Steve's aim is to link a million processors with a powerful communications system to create a machine capable of modelling a billion neurons in real time  - which, although a huge undertaking, is still just a fraction of what the human brain can do. 

Register your place today


Tags: CIUK, Manchester, Trade Show, Exhibition, Conference, Sponsors, Keynote, Steve Furber, 2017

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