Boston's Annual Summer Extravaganza

Posted on 11 August, 2022

The Boston Summer Extravaganza Returns

Thursday 11th August saw the return of Boston's Summer Extravanganza! A yearly event that takes place at Boston HQ in St Albans, ending with a game of rounders and a BBQ hosted by Boston's Managing Director, Manoj Nayee.

This year's Extravaganza started with our famous Boston on Bikes, with 22 people taking on the 18-mile ride from St Albans to Hatfield, and back, or braving the 30-mile ride to Hertford and back. In case employees didn't fancy turning the wheels, some of us took part in a 5 mile walk through the blissful countryside of Hertfordshire (just before the weather peaked into the 30's!).

Every year Boston chooses a charity close to our hearts to raise money for, and this year the money raised went to Great Ormand Street Hospital (GOSH).

GOSH is an international centre of excellence in child healthcare. Since its formation in 1852, the hospital has been dedicated to children's healthcare and to finding new and better ways to treat childhood illnesses.

This year Boston raised £355 and counting! A huge congratulations to everyone who took part in the day's activities, and thank you for your donations!

Tags: boston, summer, charity, gosh

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