#GTC21 Partner Session - Scaling GPU: Powered Desktop-as-a-Service in a Post-COVID World

Posted on 09 April, 2021

Scaling GPU: Powered Desktop-as-a-Service in a Post-COVID World

Boston and Cloudalize have been partners for 10 years, and together enabled Cloudalize to deliver computational power (GPU) from the cloud. With Cloudalize, customers and partners can run GPU-accelerated applications and workflows on any device, at any time, and from any location.

To find out how Cloudalize's desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) solutions turns any end-user device into a supercharged computer in just minutes, register for FREE below! We will also be conducting a live demo showing performance increases, generation over generation.


Watch Session On Demand during GTC21

Tags: gtc21, partner session, cloudalize, gpu, DaaS

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