Boston on Bikes: help us to reach our target for Cancer Research UK!

Posted on 24 September, 2013

Guest blogger: Tiffiny Franklin

Boston Limited will be donning the lycra and undertaking a 30 mile cycle challenge this Thursday in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK. With a target of £1,000, we have only a few days to raise the funds before the challenge commences and let's just say that for some of us, it will not be easy! A group of Bostonians have committed to taking part in the feat, alongside our managing director who bravely plans on leading the way. Thus far we have achieved only 26% of our total and we hope to smash the initial target set! You can visit our JustGiving page to leave a donation and eventually view a gallery of interesting (but mostly unflattering) pictures once the event has taken place.  We may even attempt a video!

Leaving from Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre, the team will be cycling within St. Albans and surrounding areas before ending back at the starting point. We welcome anybody who would like to cheer us on and truly appreciate the support that we have already received! The donations that have been made thus far are extremely generous and have helped us towards reaching our goal. 

Will we all accomplish the challenge? It remains to be seen! Follow our progress on JustGivingFacebook and Twitter.

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